MOVING AS OF January 1st, 2024!
Stiff neck? Vertigo? Headaches? Knee pain? Plantar fasciitis? Hip pain? Stiffness/sore back? Lack of range of motion? These are just a few of the common ailments dealt with using trigger point therapy.
At Therapeutic Massage you will experience a treatment that is solely based off the use of a unique form of kinetic acupressure.
Kinetic Acupressure is the use of the fingers to press (trigger) key points on the surface of the muscle to stimulate the body’s natural chain of release and self curative abilities. When these points are pressed (triggered), they release muscular tension, promote the circulation of blood/oxygen, as well as energy, to enhance the body’s natural health and healing abilities.
***As a client receiving treatment, you will stay fully clothed. Please bring and/or wear comfortable clothing such as: sweat pants, gym shorts or yoga pants. ***